In a small restaurant Tanya was waiting
for three of her friends. She had arrived early and ordered some
coffee. In the waiting for her friends she had emptied her cup, and
now looked around for something to focus her attention on.
Sitting around a table next to hers,
four people, two men and two women were sitting. They were seemingly
friendly, but still sort of in a quarrel. Tanya decided to listen to
“Don't pretend,” one the men said,
“that they didn't try to convince him that he should see himself as
the ordinary kind of a fellow! It's not he but they who really tried
to keep religion pure!”
“Then how come,” the other man
asked, “they didn't try to listen to His teachings?”
As the discussion continued, it seemed
evident to Tanya that the discussion was about religion. Probably,
she figured, one man and one woman, of the four, were Catholics, and
the other two were Jews. It seemed that they were discussing to which
extent Christ had been good or not for the world.
Eventually, two of her three friends
arrived. These two were a married couple. For some reason, just about
then, Tanya also concluded that the four people consisted of two
married couples.
Tanya looked at the husband of the
couple with whom she was befriended. He and she had earlier flirted.
But now she couldn't bring herself to it. It seemed, in a sense, to
be because of some guilt she might have for that wife of his, but she
knew, and her husband as well, that she also flirted around, and
probably went to bed fairly easily with other fellows.
The wife looked at Tanya and said: “My
brother will be a bit late, so if you don't mind, I propose that we
all order lunch before he arrives. He asked me to order a stake for
“Of course I don't mind that, Sally!”
Tanya answered and waved to a waiter to come to their table. However
he didn't. Then Sally waved towards another waiter who did go to
their table and take orders.
After ordering, Sally and her husband
began discussing their daughter, which Tanya didn't find interesting.
She needed, she felt, to ponder upon if she was guilty of flirting
with too many guys. Because she had, at all, flirted also with
Sally's brother. But she couldn't quite come to any conclusion about
Eventually a waitress turned up and
served two plates, and half a minutes later a waiter with the other
two. Sally then said that she felt sure that her brother wouldn't
mind if they began eating without him. This turned out to be true,
after a few minutes, when he arrived, and said: “My, this is cozy!”
and began eating. “There's nothing like good friends!” he
continued, and seemed very much to mean it. The four of them began to
chat and muse about this view on their friendship.
After a short while he added: “I feel
that we all should be trying to have a little party, just for good
friends! Perhaps like ten people or so can arrive!?”
Tanya looked at him. Somehow she felt
awkward about being into mingling, so she answered: “I wonder what
all the good friends will think of us if they don't have it in us to
be seemingly into enough geniality or so, for us to be alternatives
of being self-occupied!”
“What do you mean by that?!” Sally
asked her.
“There's no absolute notion in me
anymore, that I can feel genial about a party! There's somehow a
notion of Christ, or perhaps it's Moses of something, in the
atmosphere around us! It seems,” she said pointing, “that those
four people are into religion in sense that makes one of us, at
least, fed up with being into - ehm - vices.”
Sally's husband looked at Tanya and
asked: “How in the world can you think that those four people can
affect you, and then perhaps also us, about it!”
“Oh, I just felt,” Tanya answered,
“that their discussion about Christ and whatever has weakened me,
at least, against their opinions about sex and such! I feel also that
perhaps each of you would also be affected had you happened to be
listening to them - as I was when I was waiting for you!”
Sally and her husband looked at each
other. “I feel,” he answered, “that what you say doesn't make
sense, and that they are just four people talking!”
“I feel,” Sally said, “that
whatever you're into of sex, you should not disturb our party with
these feelings of that we have the same lusts for such adventures!”
Sally's brother said that he felt that
Sally wasn't in her right mind.
The four people at the next table had
stopped talking, and turned their heads towards Tanya's table. “I
feel,” the woman whom Tanya guessed was Jewish said, “that
whatever we have been discussing is actually none of your business,
and that whatever you say, you don't have a point in hating us for
that we have been trying to connect about our faiths!”
The man who seemed to be Catholic said
immediately that he agreed, and soon after both the others at that
table, and even Sally, her brother and her husband, too.
Tanya looked at them, first at her own
friends, and then at the four people whom she was accusing. She felt
that she was being badly treated as someone who didn't have a point.
“I can,” she said, “see to it that you can understand that I
feel that way because they were discussing it as though they had the
only point in the universe! That is, both sides of the discussion
were having an only point, so to speak!”
The man how seemed to be a Jew rose
from his seat. “Look, lady!” he said. “We don't have to discuss
this with you! And you didn't have to overhear our conversation in
the first place!”
Tanya looked at him and answered: “How
come you feel that superior without admitting tha tyou don't have a
point, when all you do is quarrel with each other!?”
The seemingly Catholic man sighed to
show resentment. He, but not the two ladies , began looking at Tanya
with severe disgust and dismay over her seeming incapacity to see
moral as adaptable to whatever religion the holders of it pertained
to. The two ladies, meanwhile, looked at each other and seemed to
agree that this was a lady whom they never wanted to be acquainted
Tanya looked at them. She felt that she
ridiculed them enough by saying: “I don't feel threatened by you
since you're into Christ or Abraham or something, and that you feel
that they, those icons of yours, are, respectively, the antidote for
everything that isn't of your peculiar faiths!”
Now the (seemingly) Catholic
woman gave her an eye of dismay that was severely devastating to her
self-security. Then, a moment later, she seemed very friendly, but
scornfully into thinking she was supreme. Her (seemingly) Jewish
friend said: “What do you think you are, discussing things like
that when you're not into religion in the first place?!”
Tanya felt crushed. She didn't think
that this could happen to her. Now she felt alone about caring about
morals in sin, and alone in caring about morals not being everything
there is to seeing value in things. Now, she felt, she regretted that
she had ever eves-dropped on the four people on the table beside
hers. ...
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