Friday, July 7, 2017

The Quest for Her Appreciation

“Pottery,” he said, “is the business that she deals with!”

“Okay, then let's get into pottery, so that we can reach her!”

“I say we're not into pottery well enough to begin with to be able to seem legit for just entering that business, except by buying an enterprise that is into it!”

“Yeah, I guess that's true! WE shouldn't be seemingly into that from the beginning!”

“I know a chain of stores that I think deals enough with it, without that being too much for the buy to be or seem foolish for us to do.”

“Great! Can we buy it though?”

“Hardly. But we could if we manage to have our father help us with it!”

“Alright, buddy! Let's say to him that we both find that chain to be a good and suitable start for us to be into enterprise of goods that are can be bought by ordinary people.”

“Hmm. I already thought of that. But then he most likely will say that we should get into business with that ex-wife and son-in-law of his!”

“Oh, that! ... I don't want that, for sure! And I understand that neither do you, right?”

“No, I don't! So let's try to deal with it some other way than that!”

“Yeah! Of course, then. But how shall we be able to get into something about what there is to her kind of business without there being any such traps to it?!”

“I have a plan that is that if you pretend to be stuck with business that is about corrupt stuff of some kind, and that you have to use me as a fallback, then he might be willing to help both of us, to the extent he believes we're both too corrupt to be introduced into the businesses of his ex.”

“I propose you also seem to be stuck in something of the wrong kinds of business, then! Or how else shall we get him to feel that neither of us should rather be into their business?!”

“I can pretend to be into dealing with dangerous people that are not very corrupt, that is in the ordinary sense, but whom I could get away from to the extent there seems to be a business that pays of better and that they don't have to mind me doing!”

His half-brother looked thoughtful. “Yeah, that seems like a good enough excuse for not seeming too well-suited for their businesses! But how shall we pretend to be into all of this without there seeming to be reason for him to look into it?!”

“By saying to him that we absolutely cannot seem to be into that he should be dealing with 'em.”

“That we should both be scared enough of those whom we are dealing with to want him not to probe into our businesses with them?!”

“Yeah, that's what!”

“Then what shall we tell him when he asks what we both got into such enterprise for?!”

“I tell him that I cannot deal with them as if they would not want my help at times, and you can say that they seem to be into completely ruining ones reputation - and even one's family's - to the extent one seems to deceive them badly!”

“Then how can we tell him that we aren't really into some stuff that would disqualify us from being helped at all?!”

“We have to show him that we feel like being different from what we become if we tend to deal with such people!”

“Hmm. Okay,” he said hesitantly. “Then I've got to make sure I can seem to be corrupt only on the surface! And you to, then, in that other fashion, I suppose.”

“Correct! Now we simply need to learn to act in ways that tend to seem like we are for real of being frightened of them, and of tending to have to deal with them anyway!”

“Good! Okay, let's do that!”

“Right now?”

“I don't know! Perhaps we could even start right at this very minute! Perhaps, that is.”

“I guess I could start by telling you to say to yourself that you're into a business that should embarrass those whom you really want to be dealing with! And perhaps you can be telling me how to act as if I was frightened by something of a consortium of people whom I don't want to deal with but who are already there in my business!”

“Yeah, let's start with that!”

“Thereby we can together learn how to act in a way so that he loans us that money!”


“Then, at last, we can reach her domains, and then perhaps you can start to deal with her as a fellow entrepreneur in something of the same businesses!”

After about two and a half weeks the two brothers talked to their father and he agreed to loan them the money. But to the extent they didn't pay it back, he threatened to sue them for it!

Thereby the two aspiring men of pottery-entailing business needed to be very careful about how they dealt with their new enterprise. In this they were able to form a corporation that could buy two chains of stores. One was the one that included fairly much pottery in their goods assortment. The other was a clothing chain.

The girl whom one of the brothers was in love with turned out to be interested in him only to the extent he was into the art of pottery, though. So that he tried to pretend to be. She found out though, and was disappointed at him. After two years of him trying to convince her to find him a match for her, she finally told him that if he really wanted her, then he could be into saying to himself that she wouldn't be fooled by a businessman trying to be an artist, though he could perhaps be an artist by aspiring to view art as what there is to actual reverence of life's true values!

When he tried this, though, he failed to compete n business and thereby went bankrupt. He was not able even to be responsible enough in business for his half-brother to be able to help him! Thereby he was not any longer the respectable type man that the girl that it was all about would tend to be into business with. To the extent he tried to contact her, she said that she knew of nothing that could say that he was into good enough business nor good enough artistry to be her match.

This broke his self-confidence very much. ...

Two years later, he tried for a job in a market that was about producing ladders and other equipment for storage areas. When applying, he found in himself a tendency not to want to apply to it in any other sense than trying to be into something that would get him to seem to be interested in stuff that seemed to match her criteria for what a good match for her would be!

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Having to Deal with Threats that Abuse God's Tolerance

“Whatever they say, that's not the normal circumstance!”


“Because what there is in it is that there is a extraordinary smartness of the devil in that each of them can tolerate God until there's a catch for Him - for God. It's usually the other way around!”

“Hmh, you can say that about them!”

“I can say that they are also the kinds of creatures that God has to study by special means of attention! In the end God's studies of the devil can always beat the devil's study of Him!”

“Oh! I guess that means we have to wait for God to be into his special means of attention, then! But meanwhile each of these four people will be able to map us! Right?”

“You better not be too tolerant with either of one them! I mean in order to avoid that he or she is able to do it quite thoroughly.”

“It seems hard to be that type of intolerant without them being aware of it! Isn't there any way for God to interfere with that they seem to be observing even that I'm becoming intolerant?!”

“Yes, there can be! But for now it's better that you try to say to yourself that they're not worth your while.”

“Then how can I avoid that they - or perhaps someone like Suzanne, Andy or Oliver - interferes by pretending I'm a someone to be looked at as ... imbecile to the extent that other, worse, imbeciles will be guided by that I can judge the them thoroughly?!”

“Hmm. Yes, I guess that for judging people like the four of them, one might be socially penalized in that kind of a fashion. But why do they, these four and those other three - and perhaps a few others, seem capable of doing that? Or why do you think they are - and are you sure they are - capable of it?!”

“It's because they all judge me beforehand, just because I seem to be tolerant of those who seem to be worthy of God's mercy!”

“It's not worth it not to say they are worthy of attention in the sense that they should be judged before you can be, and to the extent they aren't they to be judged afterwards with even better emphasis than they can have! I can say that Jesus proves that this can be done!”

“I guess that might be proven by Him. But I am not that smart! I can't, like Jesus, assimilate goodness and power to the extent that is needed to intimidate this bunch of devilish people!”

“Then pray! The only thing you really have to do for it is pray so that there is a call for God's attention to that problem with that they seem to get away with studying His goodness and with intimidating people who don't want them to.”

“Yes, I shall pertain to prayer about it! But what they can simulate my ardor for God and Jesus?!”

“I think they cannot simulate that without there being a tolerance for God and Jesus that is greater than that they can continue being very evil! No, you need not worry!”

“I say I cannot believe they will admit that they are evil, and that they thereby will get away with their mischievous plans forever!”

“Then you are mistaken! There is absolutely not any possibility of that God isn't the one to always win when evil is there to pretend to be with Him!”

“There's not any possible way to see to it that their hideous plans and intentions cannot be judged as being as good as the one they can imitate - for example me, if I pray so that they know it!”

“In that case, how come they don't seem to be good enough for telling everyone that they should be seen as God's creatures?! It would seem to be they who were good from the beginning in that case!”

“It isn't Jesus who says to them that we should not be seen as role models! So how can I ever be able to pray without them being able to simulate my care for what He stands for?!”

“That will be because it's not you but Jesus who is supposed to be the foremost role model for them! It's not they, but Jesus, who will come out as tolerant with the rest of the world! And it is not you, but Jesus, who will have to take their attention as something that has to be dealt with!”

“Then I cannot say that God can find why they seem eager to spy on even me for it!”

“Why then are you trying to convince yourself that goodness isn't too close at hand to be tolerated by exactly them!?”

“It's because they can tend to alternate between tolerating it so that their evil is hidden, and the other extreme, meaning that they will be a threat against God, occasionally, forever, it seems, unless He comes to it with those special means you were talking about!”

“I then say that there is not any circumstance where they can escape that God can reach them with His smartness!”

“Then how come they don't seem eager to out of the way for Him?! ... That is, they seem to be very keen on being into being evil and then hiding it whenever God comes along!”

“There is a special means of getting at them in that God tolerates them on the surface, but that he will always find out what they are even so!”

Thereby they ended the conversation.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Neil's Make-Believe

“Justice” Neil said, “is not at issue right now!”

“Oh!” Carla responded. “What do you mean?”

“I mean it's not a point to be made, because it's Carl we need to nail about being an irresponsible and freaky asshole.”

“Then how come you don't pretend as if something about his way of seeming conformable or apt to be it?! It's about that it's a way for him to seem reasonable even though he's irresponsible about his behaviors!”

“Hmm. I guess that's okay to pretend as if something about!”

“I guess we could to begin with just call him a faggot. Then he would seem to be keen on pretending as if something himself! upon that, I think we can have him seem subnormal about his inclination to be normal in even some circumstances!”

He looked thoughtful. “Yeah!” he said after a while. “I guess we can pretend that!”

“Then, upon that we can make him seem ridiculous to the extent he 'fakes' that he wants to seem curious about femininity!” she said with self-esteem.

“I guess!” Neil responded.

“I'll say to Chris and Tanya that they need to watch out about it!”

“Okay! Then I'll talk about him as that faker with Joe and Ana, to begin with.”

“Good! Then we can eventually torture him with that he isn't the guy for a girl to have, even when he charms her! That's a great way to see to it that he's actually a real loser!”

“I guess so!”

However, when Carla spoke to Chris about it, he responded that his Tanya is actually a bit infatuated by faggots in general, and that she thereby perhaps would begin to want to be with the fellow! But for Carla this did not seem to be a really big problem! “Because,” she said, “Tanya will probably fancy that looser as someone she wouldn't want to be acquainted with anyhow!”

“Oh! Okay! Let's talk to her as well, then!”

“Good! Then let's also say that he might sometimes pretend to be straight in order to manipulate her and other women into being supportive of asshole male attitudes!”

“Oh! But that she might interpret as that I try to manipulate her into not accepting gay men!”

“I see! Well, then we have something of a problem! But I think I can convince her into not thinking about him!”

Meanwhile, Neil was convincing Ana and Joe that Carl was a guy not to be reckoned with to the extent one liked to be into sense or responsibility. Ana seemed to try to be keen on making sure there was no trap in believing what Neil said, while Joe seemed eager to say to himself that no matter what this fellow Neil said, that guy Carl was not so interesting. Both of them thereby seemed a bit too skeptical for Neil to be totally satisfied.

The next day Neil and Carla decided to have it that Carl was to be seen as smart at pretending he wasn't a manipulator since he was not too bright at things other than manipulation! This turned out to be good enough for both Joe and Ana! So that was what they decided to make believe about Carl. However, this made Tanya eager to get into contact with him, because she felt that a faggot that was keen on manipulating was a manipulator that would serve her purposes!

A few days later, thereby, Tanya saw to it that some people she knew took it that Carl was a more interesting fellow to be with than one might expect! A few weeks upon this, a strange rumor spread that Carl was a faggot only on the surface, but still that he was a faggot in the sense that he didn't respond to solicits from young females. Thereby, neither what Carla and Neil pretended, nor what he himself would want to be said, about him, was quite what actually was said. Instead, there was an illusion that Carl never found in himself to respond to females, just because he pretended not to fancy males.

Friday, June 16, 2017

What is Needed for Being Good Enough for Modelling

“Why!?” Beatrice asked.

“Because, Sissy, it's not you, it's I who demonstrates the value of assets in way that the masculine can't demonstrate theirs!” her friend Lisa responded.

“What do you mean it's not I?! How should I pose, then!?”

“It's not about your pose that it totally is! But it's about that us models can totally use pose, and a few other means, for really having men feel superior by handling us as it.”

“Why do you have it that I lack that ability, then?”

“Because they see in you a superior-on.-the-surface criterion of trying to be something fabulous for them!”

“Really! What do they see in me that tells them that!?”

Her friend sighed. “They see in you the vulgar type of model who doesn't fit in with their ordinary lives!”

“Oh! That! Because they can't suit themselves to review me as a girl on her own accord! For that they feel like being stuck up, against me, you say?!”

Lisa sighed again. “Yeah,” she said thoughtfully, “you can say that about them! But what if they really have a problem with that they can't fit you into their environment? It's then they are stuck up according to you, but in my eyes their not too stuck up to just be the ordinary kinds of studs - or of people for that matter! ... I, for one, can feel a guy might easily be considered too horny to hang around with! Isn't that true for you as well? I recall, for instance, that guy, Roger, why did you refuse him, if it wasn't that kind of a thing?!”

Beatrice peered at her friend. “I don't feel they are in their right minds if they think I'm the same as that guy! For instance, he tried to manipulate me into being with him and his girlfriend!”

“I guess they tend to feel that you try to manipulate them into being horny when they don't feel that it's appropriate - and that's similar to what he was doing, that guy! Besides, you also want to go bed with several guys at once, if you can!”

“But that's because I'm on the catwalk!”

“It's not very different from that he also has a job and perhaps has done it equally well.”

Beatrice thought about it. “They all feel I have to get up there and really be supposedly real about horniness!”

Lisa looked at her. “No, they don't! They feel they have to see that you either could have been horny, or that you could have been into being with fellow that might possibly be him, respectively!”

“Then I don't feel I have a chance to tell them I don't want that kind of guy! Why should I have to suffer through all kinds of relationships just because of it?!”

“What the fuck do you think you are?! There are lots of guys out there who wouldn't want you for a night! And thereby they should be treated as such, not as if they were too stuck up for being good!”

“But even you tend to often look horny up there! I remember two weeks ago, when you really seduced a whole bunch of them, simply by feeling horny enough to expose that seduction about it!”

“I felt horny at the time, and then I took the opportunity to show it to them!”

“I see to it that I get horny enough nearly all the time! And now they feel I'm being too much of a slut for it to be working?!”

“I guess they really feel too much of a slut is what they shouldn't have! Besides, now I have a sense of being mature in their eyes! I wonder how come you don't feel you have to be mature, although you're catwalking?!”

Beatrice looked at her friend. “So you have dealt with them as if we didn't have to feel innocent! Because that's what they told me in the beginning! We had to look innocent but still be fatuous enough to be horny when we catwalk!”

“They said that!? It's not about fatuous that thing! It's about being into sex just like ordinary people can be, if they say well enough to themselves that they might gain something from it!”

“Oh, and they said that to you, did they?!”

“Yeah! That's what he told me, you know that guy with the napkin in his left breast pocket. It's not you they should have told something different! Who did you talk to at that first occasion of intermission talk about how we could enhance our performances?”

“Oh, I talked to the guy in yellow - I mean he often wears a yellow sweater!”

“Oh! So he's the villain behind your illusion!”

Beatrice looked thoughtfully at her and said: “Yeah! He's the son of a bitch who fooled me into thinking that it wasn't maturity that I could be into! He's the guy we should be into complaining about!”

“I agree!”

Two weeks later that man was fired. But before that a fairly large discussion took place abut whether or not one could say that she, Beatrice, had misinterpreted his instructions, and also about to which extent his instructions cold lead to an overall good performance for a good enough girl. But since he was wrong, all men on the board finally did agree with the two girls about their complaint. By then it had turned out for them that it was their superstition to believe they actually needed the girls to be dissolute in order to be attractive!

Friday, June 9, 2017

The Party Fixers

“Oh God!” August said. “*You really mean we should be humiliated by those standard of so-called humility, at those parties!”

“If that's not what you 're able to care about, then we can't trust you!” the main administrator told him. Then he added: “There's also a policy, you know, that says that everyone who is into humility for real can be allowed to have some real extravagance or proud behavior of some other kind at those parties!”

“In practice, that turns out to be the double standard that is used against exactly those that you guys don't feel should be free to be proud!”

“No it isn't!” another administrator broke in. “Because it is the pride that is there without that actual humility to it that it sorted out from everybody's behavior! There is a chance of changing the attitude one has - and that is so for everyone!”

The guy who was there to complain looked thoughtful. “Alright, I'll try that!” he said finally. “But are you sure that once I come up with that kind of attitude, it will be rewarded that way!?”

“That is almost for certain!” the main administrator said. “But we cannot guarantee that our information about it will be correctly updated, sadly enough. However, dear fellow, we can be sure that the longer you persist with a good behavior, the better are your chances to be rewarded for it!”

The guy looked troubled. “It's like that!” he burst out. “But it isn't I who can see to it that everyone knows it when I'm into humility! Because if I say I am, then that's considered an bragging attitude that should not be rewarded!”

The administrators looked at each other and him. They told him that they would work on that, and that there should hopefully not be that type of mistake made. One of them looked at him and said: “There's not any reason for them not to say to themselves that your attitude can have changed! If it does change, then probably they'll report it to us!”

The guy was silent for a while. Then he looked at the administrator that had just spoken to him and asked: “But how come for example Heinrich Henderson and Maria Flurande are prioritized as if their humility was real?! I can say that both of them are into blackmailing both me and some of the others!”

“It's because both of them are into real humility in the sense that neither of them is arrogant enough for us to have any problem with either one of them!”

“I guess that you don't realize it when Heinrich, for instance, harasses people for tendencies to be what he considers low. ... nor when Maria declares anyone that is not her type of fellow be low enough to be despised - until this person really acts arrogant enough not to be considered a person of humility!”

Two of the administrators looked troubled. “We'll look into it!” one of those two assured the complaining man. But the main administrator said:” See! Now this fellow is trying to blame some of our best members! There's reason to discuss to which extent this fellow should be a part of our party-fixing association at all!”

At the next party, the guy with the complaints observed the two people he had been talking about try to behave as if they never ever would be into the attitudes he had said to the administrators that they had, respectively. It seemed that they were being friendly now, to almost everybody, but he himself was put aside as if he were a blackmailer who never should be trusted.  

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Party Strip-Tease

This story is not completely suitable for children and so. ....

Friday, May 26, 2017

Victims of a Champ's(?) Manipulations

“Oh! It's that girl!” Carl said.

“Yeah! It's the one who's called Pious Craving!”

“Yeah, I have heard it! But why is she called that?!”

“Well,” Conrad answered, “some say that it's just because she's horny although into piety, and that she likes to present it that way! But others have said that she's actually into insinuation about either her real name, or the name of a look-alike of hers!”

“Does anyone know who that look-alike is?!”

“Oh! That's some girl who is a master in couronne, who's name is something similar to that! Or else, perhaps, she is herself that master of couronne!”

“Okay! So it's she, then, who wants us all to fall for that she has an ass of her own, which is just as good as a faggots ass!”

“Yeah! That's her! ... It's that bitch who keeps pretending she should get along with us faggots so much that she doesn't seem to have actual yearning after men! That is she seems to be an actual part of gay male social life, and then tries to insinuate that it's us that her horniness is about!”

“Ohh! It's that kind of a bitch!” Carl looked thoughtful.

Yeah! That's it!” his friend answered, and looked at him. “I guess I got you a bit puzzle there!”

“Hmh! Yeah! I feel puzzled.”

“I'm not sure if there's anyone I know who actually can be sure about if she's the actual master of couronne, or if she's just that kind of dirty man-craving bitch who wants to blame someone who has a name similar to hers!”

“I see!” Carl said, still looking rather thoughtful.

“Well, anyway, you and I have a good relationship going, but she wants to get into it!”

“I see your point!”

“Even though I don't desire her - at all - I still feel kind of that I could be cornily getting into her, as if there was a need for her in the way I feel about people!”

“I know! ... I mean that's what I expected from you!”

Conrad looked a bit troubled. “Mmh! I guess you feel I'm not quite a guy to be reckoned with as as trustworthy as you would like your boyfriend to be?!”

Carl too looked a bit troubled. “I sort of meant that. But I also mean that it's not a bigger deal than that we can handle it the way we usually handle outsiders that I don't have any desire for!”

“We should, I guess, in that case, see to it that she can't get anywhere?!”

“Of course! But that's what I thought you already were doing!”

“Why do you feel that you can expect that?!”

“You usually seem to reveal such stuff for me in time for us to talk enough about it for me not to have to become jealous!”

But Conrad looked troubled. “We have to discuss a whole lot of things that I haven't been saying to ya!”

“I don't think so! Actually, I feel confident that you're quite obvious about such nuisances!”

“Don't pretend that you actually can feel safe about me!”

“But I can!”

“What the hell do you mean by believing I would - as surely as that - actually divulge everything you could come to need to know?!”

“I simply mean that I can feel safe about you - and that's all there is to it!”

But still looking troubled, Conrad answered: “In that case you don't even trust me enough to want to know what I can be about some of those nights when you're out playing bridge, and I go to those pubs where loads of people dig into me as a homo man to be taken for the kind of guy who might show them what they need of appreciation and sexual attention!”

“Then, if there isn't a belief in ya about yourself as trustworthy, then what the fuck are you doing being committed to me as the boy of your choice in the first place?!”

“I guess the girl who calls herself Pious Craving could be into that you and I should be quarreling, so that she could get into one of us - and perhaps even make us reconcile, and have both! I feel thereby that you and I should break up, but not - either one of us - get into that girl's circles, nor either one of us reassert her about what she wants!”

With that he broke up.