Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The People of Banehowr

Troubled by Irresponsible Neighbors

In Recfride county, Sebastian and Phil were into learning about the new attitudes among people from one of the the neighbouring areas. It was Banehowr county that had a nuisance about them, the way they both felt about it. “It's perhaps because of the influences from the east!” Sebastian told Phil. “Evil lurks in that kinds of stuff! For evil is per se the lurking ability of that county, perhaps!” he said.

While he was talking an Ivtecovar, named Lina, had seated herself beside the two of them. She seemed to be into seeing what they were about, but not in a bad way for the two of them, and also they both felt she had the right to know what they were about, in the first place.

“Hmh,” Phil answered. “Yes, and now they seem to be even worse in their sinning and extravagances!”

“How about you and I go to their own Gawoler, and ask her, or perhaps her Tecksatobe about the bad and evil lusts that many others of their kind seems to be having!”

“Evil lurks in every station on the way there!” Phil retorted. “I propose they should not at all be seen as the kinds of tokens of change that we can handle as though they were not very dangerous!”

Lina, who had been listening to their conversation broke in: “How in the world could she fake for them that she was merrily into Ptolimovetz' and God, just like us, when there weren't any tokens for us to be into praying to those two for the sake of absolute justice against their Rägilåsweaie belief or something!?”

“That's exactly what we've been talking about! He and I have recently run into not only a few, but very many signs about the Banehowr people! I hate to say it, Lina, it's almost to be said that it's unlikely, though, to be much else but girls there who are all - no I mean fairly many of them - very much into - perhaps even worshipping Rägilåswe! They, that is many of them, look as though they were into sex, but they also seem to be into feeling that it's sexy to be into being the kind of prejudice that we should not be into acquaintance with! Do you understand what this means for us?!”

Lina sighed at this. “Yeah, I can tell!” she answered. “But I can also suspect that it's you who tend to fall for the extravagances they have, were it not for that so-called prejudice, which I can now tend to call them playing a waiting game! Or should there be any other tokens of survival against Rägilåswe or themselves for you to have in their potentially very notorious attitudes and behaviour?”

It was silent for a while, after which Sebastian said solemnly: “We, he and I, have tended not to be more than into wait and see ourselves, and thereby can't see it in them to be anything but trying to seduce either one of us - or perhaps some of the more weak fellows there! But both of us feel they're into extravagances that never seem appropriate as far as we ever have been into - that goes for the two of us - at the very least!”

“Then i shall go over there and see what they actually are about!” Lina answered.

“Yeah, OK!” Sebastian said, and Phil nodded.

Banehowr County

Lina looked at the two women in front of her. She felt that she needed to converse with them, but their evil attitudes seemed to stop her from being understood if they didn't chose to be part of belief in something like Recfride-county policy, and from there they could make it seem like they were the oppressed ones if she and her two (female) partners for the trip weren't very careful - at least, she figured. Her friend Sanna opened her mouth and asked Lina and Sandra, the third who had come there to study the evil people of this neighbouring county: “Is it not true that she wants us to view her as superior, just because she's sinful?!”

Sandra sighed and answered: “Yes, that's very true indeed!” She looked at the two locals in front of them. “I have an idea about how we should treat them as very different from our own people! We can figure on them as so free from morals that they should never be thought of, even, as superior compared to anyone but the very extremely low. ...”

Now Sanna sighed. “I propose that they be seen as our extreme inferiours, but that this also must be viewed as them being into viewing themselves as superiors instead! It is not we who should ever have to be benevolent to them, I think, because here we are with those types of women who can actually destroy our confidences, were it not for the Abohevrärel book!”

Lina looked at her two travelling partners and said: “Thereby, I proclaim we view them as too big about Rägilåswe to be viewed as ordinary human beings! We should definitely try to define them as such and try to define them also as the evils that learn to pretend to be anything but evil, and thereby define them in the end as the animals who cannot be good, but who try to be very very smart at being like the others who are even a little bit godly.” While saying the last part of this, she indicated a few other Banehowr-county people close by. Those were not quite feminine on the whole; rather they were masculine, mostly, and, instead of extravagant, seemingly total about viewing themselves as cunning to the extent that no one should ever try to interfere with their business.

“I propose,” Sanna said, pointing to Sandra, “that she and I go to their Owfahwlia and check if, to the extent their even there, they have even anything of actual belief in God or even Ptolimovetz!”

“Then I,” Lina said, “will go and check the two earlier women about how they try to sort out themselves as evil while at the same time seemingly triumphing with God! Perhaps I can find out about them to which extent they view themselves as superior to us once they happen to manage to even to some extent have Ptolimovetz and God with them!”

“Yes!” Sandra burst out. “Thereby we might all find out what they have been into!”

“OK. Let's try that!” Sanna said.


Entering the Recfride-county Owfahwlia, Sandra and Sanna saw the Wecashorawsel coming towards them. They noted that he was a impressive and stately person. But neither of them was going to trust neither him nor the others there, although they both were intent on being polite, and somewhat respectful.

The Wecashorawsel held out is hand towards them. “Hi, my name is Cannovar,” he said. The two women looked at each other. Hesitantly Sanna took his hand and shook it, upon which he turned towards Sandra, who also hesitantly took his hand and shook it. Cannovar looked a little indignant, but stayed polite, and pointed to a desk where the two strangers could be seated.

But before they sat down, Sandra said to him: “How come they - or at least the young ones of them - don't seem to be coming here nowadays, Wecashorawsal?”

“Oh, it's because they don't find it here to be into the business of being afraid of their parents' attitudes so much! It's also because they are beneficial for their parents if they complain about their society as though they believed in me and my assumptions about God and Ptolimovetz!”

Sandra looked a bit astonished. “How come they then seem too content to be taken as responsible over their businesses as extravagantly immoral?!”

Cannovar took a deep breath. “I don't see it in them to be having to go here, if their not inclined to be dissatisfied with their lives!”

Sanna broke in with: “I propose that you find it in you to have them be pathetic about themselves before they seem to be too good for you to bring to the Owfahwlia! After all, I mean, they can't seem to be judgemental from here if they're hardly seen as good enough for being assumed to be real about things that don't belong here! I mean that they cannot be viewed as smart enough for the real world if they are scolded enough here!”

Cannovar looked at them. “I don't propose to them, ever, to come here for that scolding and stuff! I propose instead that they be seen as arrogant and, I guess, as you said, 'extravagantly immoral'. But with that so to speak immorality and so, they can't be here by not ridiculing the thought of us being thoughtful of their attitudes as good enough for society to even respect their families!”

“Why not?!” both women asked, almost simultaneously.

“It's because,” the Wecashorawsel sighed, “they women here can't seem too arrogant for us to be treating them as fine enough for their parents to be having some pride about them! That's why!”

The two women looked at each other and one of them asked: “How come, then, do you find it in them to be anything but fake about their attitudes?” The other one immediately said: “Sandra, they feel they are superb because they're Banehowr, all of them! And so is the man before us! We cannot be asking them how come without that meaning why should they not admit they're lower than us and all other Godly people out there!”

Cannovar looked astonished. “In that case I will tell you a little about ourselves: IN this county we have a little smartness for being moral about seeing it in everyone to be superb in his or her own fashion! We don't get into the business of being arrogant and thereby don't see Ptolimovetz as the one who should view God and Himself as smart enough at arrogance to be actually of Rägilåswe! That is, I suppose the two of you could be into him, the latter, if you can't let go of that arrogance and thereby also propose we be left alone and unassumed about as those people who should never be viewed as moral!”

“Exactly that is what you should never be!” Sanna retorted.

Sandra looked at her and nodded. “But on the other hand,” she added, “there are not any signs here that even fäwovävoaener here ever care about actual decency, except for perhaps remaining themselves a bit too descent for there to be an immediate obviousness about their decadence!”

Cannovar looked at them in amazement. “I shall view this as a proposal that I do something about my fellow county people! But I shall not view this as the triumph they should have about viewing me and them as their inferiors!”

Sanna looked at him with disgust. “You try to speak with Ptolimovetz when you're not even into ordinary moral and decency! You seem to be into that all that you suppose you are is seemingly into His response to all of us, as though it wouldn't matter that you are into frivolous and evil women as those to be thought about as simply good enough for Him and even for the Father of Him and us all!”

“I propose God is not our Father for the sake of simply the arrogant to take advantage of! I propose also that the arrogant be excommunicated by you, all mighty Lord of Heaven! I propose further that you and I shall have a talk about this incidence with two women, probably from our neighbouring county, coming here and insulting my Owfahwlia with their insolence and very arrogant attitudes about you and the one and only supreme being on earth that keeps the belief in you so very steadfast for us to be dealing with. I mean with the supreme Lord Ptolimovetz and his follower of any other kind but the haughty of arrogance, such as these two that I am asked by to view you as the supreme only of their arrogance and not of the mildness we all have in this county!”

The two women looked at each other. Sandra said: “How come he seems to be into talking to God although we both can tell he is filthy enough never to be real about Ptolimovetz nor Him?”

“I can't say it's because he is willing to admit his problems with actually not viewing Rägilåswe as God and then pretending to be worshipping him while actually only into the opposite side of it all!”

Belief in Ptolimovetz

“In Owfahwliu, the Wecashorawsel tried to convince us to believe we are not as superb as Ptolimovetz wants us to be seen!” Sanna said.

“But Ptolimovetz always has it we should view His superbity as absolute and always on the right side!” Lina answered.

“I thereby can't see it to be very sophisticated to be superb about God, even, if they don't give up their vain attitudes about His mercy as though He did not protest against their awful and imbecile indecency and so.” Sanna continued, and Sandra added: “Yeah! He even said that it's we, being 'arrogant', as he put it, who should be viewed as inferior to him!”

“I see,” Lina said thoughtfully. “I suppose they aren't very much of the superb beings they suppose we think we are! That is they must be seen as very arrogant themselves in having themselves seem to be superb compared to being absolute about decency and other virtues. As it seems, they're into enjoying themselves without being into real belief in Ptolimovetz, nor belief in God at all, for all I can say!”

“I suppose, then, that we study their belief in our God, and see how they themselves view us when not into pretending to be honest!”

“Sanna, how can we be certain when they are not pretend honest, without being into their views on themselves as the correct views, and as though they weren't into blasphemy and so!?” Sandra asked.

“I think we could be taking our chances on that, without that meaning that we are risk takers to the extent that actual Ptolimovetzu is at stake!”

“Oh! But my Ptolimovetzu is not faking that I suppose we are not into God when we stay by their supposedly acceptable attitudes as though quite alright with both Ptolimovetz and me!”

“Sandra, we've not yet proposed for them to be viewed as such! I have it in me to believe we don't ever have to say anything like that! That is, we can escape their Rägilåswu, with help from our beliefs in Ptolimovetz and also our beliefs in God Himself, well enough to be always free from possible traps of Rägilåswe! Thereby I propose we associate with those women and try to be their companions, but keep it at a surface level, so that we don't need to be associated with their idol or idols of sacrament. ...”

“I suppose Lina, you feel very satisfied with almost proposing that they take command over our souls, though almost too little for there to be a risk that Rägilåswe takes over them!”

Lina looked frightened. “OK, ... But are they not who we should be talking to so that it becomes noticeable what they would be doing if we weren't actual about Ptolimovetz and strong enough in Him not to be ruled by even such attitudes that close to us?!”

Sandra sighed and answered: “Yeah, I suppose they're the ones we really need to risk our souls for learning about! But you know, she and I have discussed pretending as if they were alright, and then keep it at that! Then, if we can stop there, they will never get the chance to influence us with their Rägilåswu!”

Sanna sighed and added: “Yes, we did take it that way yesterday. And she and I also tried to discuss how to work on them anyway, as those who must admit their Rägilåswu for us, and if not, then we shall take them as not worthy of Ptolimovetz mercy ever. By doing so, I for one felt content that she and I were into something reliable as smartness agianst their fanaticism against Him, Ptolimovetz. ...”

Other Icons

Instead of studying the local women closely, the three foreigners to the county proposed for them that they look at Ptolimovetz and His Godly Mercy for them all. It was not apparent that they would be frightened by His authority even now, so they proposed instead they look at the Abohevrärel and say it be for the sake of Rägilåswe that they have denounced Ptolimovetz.

In answer to this, some of those local women tried to discuss the Abohevrärel as a token of attitudes that are foreign to those who discuss actual circumstance and not really just hypothetical moral and belief in justice as an instrument of being smartly conscious of one's own faith. They also discussed the Abohevrärel as an excuse for trying to convince everyone about their book and about the rest of their belief system. Thereby the locals seemed to disinterest themselves from the Abohevrärel and what could be read in it.

The visitors then stood for that they all, or at least most of them, were extremely immoral, and thereby proposed that the Abohevrärel be read for them out loud. Thus the three of them chose a few quotes from the Abohevrärel and went to a market for vegetables and so, and started reading them out loud.

A few people stood themselves beside them and listened. Some of them left fairly soon, but two persons stayed long enough for the visitors to find them even a little bit more Ptolimovetzuihay than that they should be expected to surely go to hell. So, thereby Sanna turned to one of them, an elderly man and said: “You don't seem to be totally condemned! Thereby I shall bless you with my acquaintance, if you will let me read my Abohevrärel for you in the environment of the people that you do feel are the right ones to be acquainted to!”

The man cleared his throat. “I suppose they will not be interested, as two of them already did stand here for just a few minutes and then left. I suppose on the other hand that they will perhaps be listening to you when I say that I have been saved by the quotes you speak!”

While they were talking, Lina began talking to the other one: “You also seem to be fairly, at least, interested in God and what he has to say!”

This person, who was a fairly old woman said: “I say there's belief in almost anything that could be said to be of value for the people that get to know about it! How about they and you both try to believe in the truth about God being there in everything, and not only in the Abohevrärel!?”

Chocked, Lina stood herself beside the woman, and said: “I cannot believe they are anything but too profane for you to be really blessed well enough by for the resurrection of Ptolimovetz and His progenitor, our holy Father in heaven! Thereby, I propose to you that you find your idols and other tokens of belief in the sacraments that Ptolimovetz stand for! I also propose that you don't really ever try to say to yourself that they should ever be considered at all safe from Rägilåswe or his demons!

“There's not any tokens of absolute belief that I can't stand for as too weak against for example that Rägilåswe, and thereby I shall propose that you too believe in the Abohevrärel as just one of many tokens of faith that we must have in order to believe in both Ptolimovetz and the others that we must have for our basic survival against the evils that lurk in our environment, and also yours I suppose!”

The man whom Sanna had been talking to turned to them and said: “I too believe in the many Gods and many sacraments! Even so I can find myself better of saying that they should not be addressed as pretenders when they don't speak to me, nor my closets friends, as very inferior. The tokens of belief that they have seem intent on having it they are the absolutely superb beings there are, and thereby on crushing other tokens of belief to the extent they seem to be into competing with them! Thereby, I and my family have always had it there's not any virtue in telling them that we don't quite believe their worship to be really so good that we give up our own for it!

“Thereby, I say,” he continued, “that the three of you should go back home and try to find your worlds lower tokens, and then I shall return to my place and try to convince my family that you are not as ignorant as they think you are!”

“Oh,” Sanna retorted, “then I shall be forever condemning you and the others of this county. Because you have just told me to be blasphemous and by that also to condemn myself to the purgatory or even hell!”

Upon this, the three visitors returned home and reported that the people of Banehowr county all were totally fallen from actual Ptolimovetzu.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

The Markets of Trying to Be Enthusiastic over One's Assets

Chapter one

”It's all about shame, and I feel we should into business about trying to manipulate those who are into it before too many others do!”

Clara looked at her husband, who sat there thoughtfully and seemed totally sure about what he just said. After few seconds she asked him:” How, Harold?”

“I assume there are not too many competitors out there, yet, but the shame business is going to thrive as far as I can tell! I presume we better start writing some manuscripts on the issue - and that in a way that really doesn't seem to ridicule the notion of that people all over are ashamed of things that are often ridiculed if thought of as normal; but also are ridiculed when not thought of at all! So I feel it's on those types of notions your fantasies and my should be focused!”

“I feel that there is something to that notion of what kinds of art could sell!”

“I don't feel we aught to wait even one more minute! You start drawing and I start writing!”

“Harold, I think we must slow down to check if there's anything to say we even are good enough at doing these things, and by the way, I think for example Salvador Dali was way before me about such drawings. I wouldn't be the first one to do it - and it seems weird to say that no litterateur could have been written on that issue! ... No, Harry, you and I aught to slow down and find what there actually is to the shame business, and not be pretentiously into believing we're the first!”

“It's not I, Clara, who should be into this as though there were so many before me! I assume that you think I need a degree in litterateur for actually writing stuff!? And you too, perhaps you want to go to art school first - then how in the world should we make the money we need for entering those damned schools!?”

Clara sighed. She felt her half-brother was onto something genuine about some kind of aspect of the market that they could perhaps really be able to make some money from. “But,” she said at last, “isn't it like we should look at the media and see what there is already?! And why not try that music stuff, which you bragged to me about two ago, remember, at your thirteenth birthday!”

“Ah - that! I guess there could be something to music if there was even the remote chance of being paid for the stuff we have of it! It's not good enough except possibly for being a street musician or something, I think. Besides, why don't you try to get into music, and become like those sexy female stars already out there huh?!”

Clara looked annoyed, seemingly troubled over her brother's insolence. “How can you feel that your ten-year-old sister should even think about it!? You know our parents have even scolded you for even looking at such pix and so!”

“I don't feel that you didn't annoy me by trying to kiss my friend that day in august, remember!”

“I didn't quite try to actually kiss his mouth! So you shouldn't be trying to pretend I'm that dirty a girl, bro!”

“I can tell that you hoped he would be dirty with you, just the same! So I assume that there could be adequacy for you in such business,” he said with some authority.

“Then I find it in me to protest!”

“Yeah, and thereby we will both find it in ourselves to starve to death or die from boredom in the industry before being able to go to some good schools or something!”

“Oh, that farming industry isn't all that pathetic! Perhaps I can take it you don't ever want to be dealing with those vegetables! But you and I are not the same! I an take part of it as much as mom!”

“Oh, I can take part in that stuff, except for that I don't want to be like daddy who actually is the more boring of our parents, and not even like mom, who is almost as boring!”


“I mean sort of that is boring sissy! I mean they shouldn't believe they're not too backwards to be good enough parents for us to be sent to some actual schools, so that they become happy and we become rich!”

“I don't believe they're gonna be satisfied with the poor little money they can see us sell for!”

“I don't see that we shouldn't be trying! No matter if we try and fail or not, we still have the opportunity to go back to the industry of our parents' employers!”

“Yeah, OK, let's try!” Clara said at last.

Chapter two

“It's all adequate for me to say that you're almost totally ridiculous!” Harry heard his father scold him.

“Absolutely!” he heard his mother agree in the background, while his father continued: “You're conceited if you think I'm much duller than you two are just because he has told you there's something of a talent for writing and drawing in you and your sister!”

“Then how come the two of you don't do anything else but work on the field? Dad, I think I really could get into some money business if I do that stuff!”

“That man is a hypocrite! Hear that son!? And I don't care if he's a real school teacher himself, even you and I can write a little, although I only learnt id from my father! And then you come here and try to tell me that the school is the way from here to the upper class society!”

“Dad, I just wanted to make some money! I will try to do what that teacher said, at least for about two months now! Because after that we can be sure about if there's likelihood for that I or her can become successful!”

“I had it there's not any way I can believe that will ever happen!”

“Why not dad?”

“Because, sonny, you can't forget that you are not smart enough even so, that's why!”

“I can forget it if you just give me the chance, dad!”

“I will not give it to you, but I will try to be into that the man that says he's a teacher should come here and tell me why thinks that you and your sister seem talented enough for going to the city schools or something!”

“Great, dad! Then I'll tell him to come here some day!”

“Yeah,” his father said thoughtfully. “I'm not quite into that he should be here around mean time, though, but if he shows up at around ten AM, then perhaps we can start talking to him as the real teacher he's supposed to be!”

Said and done, two days later, the man who said he was a teacher showed up at their place. “I suppose there isn't any way I can relate to you that I really have gone to school for about five years, and then also to teacher's school for two!”

Both of the parents looked at him. “I,” the father said at last, “can't suppose that there isn't any community that teaches the kids how to be adequate for actually being smart at presenting themselves for those who can sponsor them, is there?”

“I can say there's probably something like that about two hundred miles eastwards from this village!”

“Oh,” the mother broke in, “then perhaps they should both be attending classes there, if they happen to ever be smart enough to really sell some poetry or art?”

“Indeed, yes that could be very OK for the start they might want later on in their possible careers.”

“I wanna go there, dad!” Harold broke in.

“I hear you son! But you can't be doing it if we can't convince this man to say to sponsors to sponsor even going there, can you!?”

Harold looked thoughtful. “I guess perhaps I can't!” he admitted. “But I and Clara can't quite find away to be into trying to sponsor too little of that stuff by our own litterateur and art!”

Their mom now broke in for a second time: “Harold, you and that sister of yours should actually go there and try to sell something very soon, then! Because neither I nor your father are gonna believe they will buy it enough to sponsor that school, if they can't assume there can be anything at all worth buying even now, which the two of you can create! Isn't that right Andy?”

“That is correct! Neither I nor your mom, Harold, Clara, will believe you can that much if there isn't anything to say that you really are talented! ... not that it's just something that it seemed to be for this here teacher, or so!”

The teacher looked at them. “If you want me to prepare them, which they will need, then you wil have to pay me with at least one meal of food, and I prefer it in advance!”

Andy and his wife looked at him then at each other. At last they also looked at their children. “I guess you can!” Andy said after a while.

Chapter three

“How about this, then?” The teacher stood over Clara's newly made drawing. “Yes, I can see how they might actually pay for it, if you only had some colour to the people in it!”

“I can say there's too bad for that sake, cause I don't own any such colour!”

“Then I'll teach you how to make such colour. But only if they give me one more meal to be eating at there place!”

“I hope they will!” she answered.

“OK!” he said, then he turned to Harold and asked. “Are you finished?”

“Yeah, you could say that!”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean I've filled about three pages with one poem on each, but the pages aren't filled completely, so I'm not so sure I'm so be said about that I'm finished!”

The teacher looked at the first page. “Yeah, this is almost good enough for me to say that you could go into business with your sister! But what about the solution to the question your lines did imply well enough for me to be impressed?”

“I have it on the next page! And there's also another riddle on that one, one that will be solved at the final and last of the three pages I've been writing on!”

The teacher turned over the first leave, and read the second one. “Mmm,” he said. Then he also turned over the second leave and read the third one. After that he seated himself beside the boy and said: “Congratulations, you're really good at poetry!”

“Do you think I can sell it?!”

“Only if you do it like I tell you! But then for that, I will earn another meal at your parents place. Remember that will be one meal for teaching you about how to go about seeming to be worth paying for, and one for teaching your little sister how to make skin colour for her drawings.

“I guess we'll just have to both hope hey want to pay for that education then, August!” he said gratefully.

Chapter four

Two weeks later, the teacher had received about eight meals, and could take the two children with him to the market place, a few miles away. Andy followed along, while his wife stayed at home and took care of the house. The seated themselves and the teacher began rabbling for the people about the children, one at a time. About Harold, he said that he was “able to both riddle you, and then also answer that riddle for you; but then that will also be done in a poem! But that is only to the extent you can be paying something for this!” About his sister he said that she was “able to paint the people she saw and that they would be perhaps enjoy having their picture painted for just a little penny or two!”

After the day there was through, Harold and Clara had made enough money for their father to be hopeful about getting them to that school, “or was that really necessary?!” he asked himself, and then out loud: “August, this is so great that I feel we can be satisfied with your way of presenting the children. Perhaps we shouldn't have to pay for learning that stuff in that special school for it, really?”

August looked at him. “I don't know any better than that they can be better of with me than even with them,” he said after a while.

Andy looked thoughtful. “Exactly!” he answered. “But then you should also try to explain to me, and then perhaps also to my wife, how long they have to be educated for actually being able to support our family?”

“I cannot say how long, Andy1 But I can say this much: They are not children to be ignored about their talents, and they have a better recognition from people that I can introduce them to than from anyone else I can think of!”

“I can assume that I and Wilma don't seem to adequate for them, then, right?”

“Oh, I can't say that! It's only that you don't let them be what they want to be, nor what God wants them to be! Oh! It's not to be said that you aren't caring about them and of God. But it's to be said that you are kind of trying too much to adapt them to ordinary peoples' lives. The two of them both have talent, and so I should also be showing them around here and there!”

Andy gave a deep sigh. “I suppose you're right! But where can I find the way to support our own ways of surviving if they both go into your hands?”

“I think we can support even both them, me and the two of you with what they can achieve!” Andy answered.

“I want them to stay with us for the time it takes for them to grow up! After that I don't want them to be poorer than I am, and thereby we cannot take any chances with them!”

“Oh, I see! But then how are we going to support that family that they want to create once they grow up?”

“I can hope that both they and I can be into having them be with you every now and then. But then I also want them to come home to me and Wilma!”

“I see! Then perhaps we could do that!”

“How can we support them to the extent that they can be into learning things that they need for further achievements, if there isn't any way to get money to seem proper for everyone in the family from it?”

“I think we aught to just propose we and they come to the conclusion that they can actually almost support themselves from now on! I can thereby have it that both they and you two feel that they are in the right to receive my education, which will be worth paying the foods I have for them!”

“I can propose it's both me and you who will believe that it's me and Wilma who will be ready to have them be taught by you every Thursday from now on! But how will you support yourself when they are not to be paid for?”

“I propose they and I can sell them every Thursday night at the market place and then I can perhaps be the one to take half the profit from them there?”

“Yes. Yeah, I suppose that'll be fine!” Andy said and thereby sealed the deal.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

A Big Deal for the Pimping Industry!

Adult (or at least semi-adult) story; follow the link if you want to read it anyway: A Big Deal for the Pimping Industry!

Friday, March 27, 2015

Care for the Winner

Adult (or at least semi-adult) story; follow the link if you want to read it anyway: Care for the Winner

Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Troubled Marriage

Andy and his wife Christine are being visited by their daughter Jane and her Norwegian husband, Magnus, who is there on business. Their daughter Jane has said that she needed to come home to England with him, since she otherwise can't trust him, she had said, not to be cheating on her, although she wasn't sure. But thereby, she also arranged for him to be able to stay at her their - her parents' place.

While Jane, and their three-year-old son was out walking her parents two dogs, Magnus sits with his parents-in-law in their living room. Soon after she has left, he says to them: “I don't find there to be any reason for her to believe I'm cheating! Although she cried at the dinner table yesterday, it's not because I really have been into cheating! I really don't know how come she's into imagining it!”

“Magnus,” Jane says, “I don't quite trust you about this, ... although I always have found her to be really into imagining such things about both me and my husband. By the way, couldn't you for that sake tell us about a few things she's said about us over the years.

Her son-in-law looks thoughtful for a little while. Then he responds: “I guess I can tell you about how she could be into pretending that you two wouldn't be paying her any money for her responsibilities at home when she was a child. ...”

“Oh,” Mary said thoughtfully, “that we don't consider to be any bigger deal than that we have had it in her to pretend we were parents who didn't love her enough - which we both did!”

There was a short pause, after which Andy added: “That stuff about not paying money for what she does is very often better for a child, we think! I - and I think that goes for my wife too - had that kind of an upbringing, and I thought that it would do good for her just as it has for us!”

His wife adds: “We know that she has to learn to handle her responsibilities without payment at times in later life. ”

“Oh, my parents always paid me for doing the things I should!”

Andy then clears his throat and burst out: “Oh, really! Do all parents do that in Norway?”

Magnus chuckles a little. and then adds: “I can't tell you for a certainty. I really don't know about much more than about me and my relatives. ... and, well, yes, probably just about all relatives of mine did receive something for being helpful when they were.”

Andy thinks for a while and then says: “As a matter of fact, I seem to recall I have at least a few relatives who did it that way. But I for one don't think it be a fairly even important thing for a child to have!”

Mary seemed to agree with him.

“Well,” Magnus says at last, “I think I can say that she has been into pretending you both are pretending that she is pretending about her childhood that she was maltreated in that you had pretended that she didn't deserve any rewards for what she did!”

Andy sighs. “Well how can we be sure about all this pretension though, sonny?!”

“I can say that she's been into pretending that I too have been into pretending that she's pretending that I'm cheating.”

Mary chuckles at this. “I don't find there to be any pretension needed unless you're totally sure about yourself and that you need not be afraid of her being a cheater herself! ... I trust neither you nor my daughter about being into never cheating each other!”

“I agree!” Andy says.

Maguus sighs a bit deeply. Then he says: “No, of course! We cannot be totally sure about each other, especially since that honeymoon to that finish ski resort! I don't know how come she thought all the Finnish women would be onto me - or like trying to be my partner in bed or something! But she has somehow faked it, I feel, that they were assholes enough to really want my body, while all they actually wanted was to be polite and see to it that us tourists don't get tired of seeing their place as an OK and pleasant one.”

Both his parents-in-law then asks him about if that was only the women who tried to make him feel comfortable. He answers that he felt no need to tell them about the male kinds of attitudes around there. “But I will anyway, then, I guess. They're into being ... you could say both noisy and boisterous, I think!”

“I see,” Mary answers. “I can tell you've been saying this to our daughter as well. Right, Magnus?”

“Yeah, I have!”

“You should know,” she continues, “that she thinks those statements about males in Finland are subterfuges for pretending the females there aren't very horny!”

Magnus looks very surprised. “I didn't find them horny at all!” he burst out.

Mary sighed. “I think we should have to speak to Jane herself about this! She should be sure about that what she saw in that sauna wasn't about cheating with some foreigners' wives or something! I for one feel confident that they can have been lesbians just pretending to be into stealing her husband - for the sake of hiding their own horniness or something!”

Magnus sighed and responded: “I guess that could be so! But how am I supposed to tell her that?! I mean I as a suspected husband would be expected, I think, to be pretending that stuff to! Wouldn't I!?”

After a while he adds: “Actually, I don't know if they were into even pretending as if nothing for her! I think, now come to think of it, that they were trying to convince her into thinking that i would like her better if she was into their kinds of sex!”

Andy looks at him. “But how come were they into sex in a public place in to begin with?” Then he looks at his wife, indicating that perhaps she should be trying to answer that for him.

Magnus looks at Mary who shrugs. Then he thinks for a while and says: “I guess they must have been since my wife has been insisting! I don't know how come, really!”

While he was saying this, his wife was turning the key to her parents front door, upon which she enters and undresses her outdoor garments. One of the dogs barks a little, and then Jane enters the living room with her son.

Seating herself on the sofa she asks: “So, what have you three been up to now that I've away for a while?”

“Oh, we've been discussing, dear,” her mother answers, “how come you think he's been cheating when it only was that some women in the sauna were into having some lesbian sex and then talking about him. I mean they knew, didn't they, dear, that you were newly married to that Norwegian fellow?”

“Yeah, so what mom?!”

“Since they were four lesbians, they would be more likely to be cheating with a wife than with a husband!

“Since I know they're lesbians I wouldn't be into saying that they were into my husband were it not for his imbecile attitude towards them! It was not they more than he who got me paranoid!”

“So what?” her mother asks.

“So I don't feel he's being into a relationship in the first place. And therefore I do believe he was inclined for actually imagining being in bed with one or more of them. ... I also feel he does it again when similar circumstances come up!

“But actually,” she continues after a short pause, “I feel they didn't seem inclined to take advantage of the situation in any other sense than in order to make me jealous, actually!

“I don't feel they're actually into men, but that is in the first place. On the other hand they seemed inclined to pretend as if something about that he might get into pretending I should be more lesbian too, and that is actually what I've been about when acting jealous!”

“It isn't,” her husband responds, “about men and women that thing! It isn't I who want them to be into cheating with you in the first place, but I can't feel that you don't agree with pretending that I'm into faking that I'm too much about them for the sake of our marriage; meaning that you and I should have had a talk about it immediately, and not wait for five years before doing so!”

“We should have a talk now!” she says. “I say it's better now than never, dear!”

“It is about,” Andy breaks in, “that you and he should have a tendency to pretend as if something about how much both men and women can be seduced by the other sex when having the pretension about oneself that one is about being smart at getting the attention from that other sex! It is also about how you and I,” he looks at his wife, “have been pretending that I'm not jealous about the fagots that were there in the bar in India, when you and I worked there as missionaries!”

Mary smiled solemnly. Then she said: “Oh, I agree with that! I don't feel at all that you shouldn't be treated as the husband I would never be cheating on, except for that you have always been accusing me of doing it!”

“I don't feel, mom, that you and dad don't participate in this process of being far too clever at catching the actual homosexuals of that other gender! It isn't about him or you this thing that we've had in Finland happened to turn out to become a nuisance about him that actually grew worse from when it happened and till we nowadays now and then run into some Norwegian women or girls who are infatuated by the thought of having him in bed.”

Her husband sighs at this. “What do they seem to be into having me for, if at all?”

“I feel they're into having the guts to steal a woman's husband, that's what, dear!”

“Then how come they pretend to be caring about that you and me shall have the best of the best for our family to be happy and functional?!”

“I suppose they're into simply hiding that they want to steal that husband from the wife who is doing all the laundry, the cleaning of the house, not to mention taking care of our son!”

“What's your actual point,” her mother broke in, “in seeming jealous when you're actually a happy couple?! I mean isn't that something that could lead them to find it amusing to tease you about that jealousy of yours!”

“I guess that's true mom! But what he hasn't been admitting is that he brags about my jealousy, and that he thereby can get them interested in testing me about it!”

“Oh,so that's what!?” her mother half shudders half sighs.

“I can't say there's an imbecile in that husband of mine! It's not he who hasn't been into cheating with them! And that is at the very least in a spiritual sense! ... I mean by taunting me and leading them on! I believe they and he also have been into amusing them and thereby him on my expense!”

Her husband looks at her. “In that case how come you and I don't feel we are into a relationship that doesn't end by waving bye bye; that is, you and I have been saying it to each other for the past four years, even, that we should be saying bye-bye to one another!”

“I don't feel that either you nor they are actual about my permission for them to be flirtatious with you! I don't feel that either you nor they are actual even about my permission to be into bed with one another! I don't feel thereby that this marriage is working, nor that it can continue without me having to break it up!”

“In that case, how come you and I don't get into speaking to one or two fo these women you've been getting so upset about!? Because I don't really feel there are any such females around me!”

“It's because you and I don't have a relationship that is really working too well. And besides, our neighbour, whom you were into having me get to know, she has told me that she really had you in bed!”

“I can proclaim that even though you don't know it, I have been cheating on you just because you were into cheating on me that night at the Finnish ski resort! In a sense, I actually believe I should be testing our child, to see who his actual father is! I don't see it in you to have too few immature men around for being the bitch that actually has me care for a family that is with someone else's child in it!”

Jane begins crying at this. After a while she retorts: “I feel that I don't have anything to be cheating on! Because I don't really have a husband! All I have is an actual facade of a happy marriage!”

“Me too!” her husband retorts.

A few weeks later a fraternity test proves the father of Jane's son to be a fellow Magnus knew she had run into at their local library in Norway. He knew because librarian, who he had been screwing had told him so. After one more month, the couple were divorced, and the mentioned fellow had to begin sending alimony checks, including two large ones (one for each parent) for the four and a half years that Magnus was seen as the father.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Young Rita's Lusts and Extravagances

Adult (or at least semi-adult) story; follow the link if you want to read it anyway: Young Rita's Lusts and Extravagances

Monday, February 2, 2015

Peter's Marriage

Adult (or at least semi-adult) story; follow the link if you want to read it anyway: Peter's Marriage