Wednesday, July 1, 2015

"Now I've Got a Great Idea!"

“I vow that I never again set foot in this building!”

Christina sat and laughed at the thought of having them over again - and, a little, at the thought of leaving the mentioned building herself for any long time. It was not her house, but she felt it was hers, in the sense that she couldn't predict that she would lose her relationship with it. Therefore she felt that Matilda's comment was awful, but she still laughed at that, too, since she didn't feel that the building was anything that Matilda would decide over.

“I swear,” she answered, “that there's no way for us to lose this house; no matter how we tried; we wouldn't easily, at least, lose it! Besides, where are you going to live, if we don't pertain here, in this building, which is after all our home!”

“I'm gonna live in the forest!” Amanda answered. “I'm gonna live there and I'm gonna shoot wild animals for a living!”

“Oh! Then I shall see to it that you get a handgun with you! But I, I'm gonna live here, and there's not enough sense in it for me to follow you out into the forest for that!”

“I'm gonna live in the forest, and you come with me! I'm gonna teach you how to swim, there! I'm also gonna tell you about all the mushrooms I can eat, and which ones are to be thrown away! That way we can both eat mushrooms, and there are also so many berries and stuff that we can eat!”

“I will follow you there on one condition! It is that I don't have to spend my time trying to understand the way the principle of nature seems to work for ya! Because I don't want to know about such things!”

“Okay! You just come with me into the forest and then we'll be together with our animal friends, and tell them all about those other human beings, so that they don't like any more than we do!”

“I see! When you're out in the forest you tell the animals they aren't geing to be taken as friends by the other human beings! That's clever! But how come will they seem to be on your sinde when you have to kill some of them for the meat we're gonna have for survival!?”

“I guess it's by telling them that I don't have to kill them unless the other human beings are bad, but hey are! I go for trying to substitute the essence of being into them as friends by the essence of survival! That they will understand me for!”

“Okay! I guess the theory about their minds works for the sake of us being there for some time without there being a mistake on our part due to that they have it we wildness-friendly people are fatal.”

“Then how will I survive without being here every now and then, I who never have set my foot in the forest before!?”

“You will survive by having us seem mature enough to be able to be ready to be smart at being part their society! I will teach you how to deal with them that way!”

“But how will I survive the forest, I mean?! I, who can't even climb a tree!?”

“I'll teach you!”

“But how?! I mean how long will it take form me to learn all those things!? I who only have been out in the cultivated gardens and parks around here!?”

“I will teach you how to survive in the forest, and that's final! You will not see to it that we return to this building, not now after my sister has died in what they call a “tragic accident,” but which was in reality just their trap for her that worked and thus killed her!”

“I know! But how come they will not follow us out in the forest!? What do you feel they can do once we get there?!”

“I feel they will do nothing but believe we are gone because some others have killed us!”

“Oh! That's the plan! Then I can follow, and I will come along to learn the forest as you will teach me!”

“Good then, Christina! Since you're only three, you will be able to learn much more than I ever have about the forest and how to survive there! I have not learned anything of it before I was five! Now you will start at an even earlier age than I!”

“Then I will learn to ride a horse! Because I have always envied a horseback rider for that they can't fall off in the forest!”

“No! I don't think we can take any horse with us there! I'm afraid they would follow us then! But I will see to it there is a horse there in say a couple of years! And then maybe you can learn how to ride without falling off!”

“Okay! Then I will learn when I'm nine or something! I will learn how to sit and how to not fall of, then, and I will be happy, because when I fall off I never can be happy with a horse!”

“Okay, you will be happy then, once I get a horse to my forest! But you will come with me tomorrow, and don't forget it's I who am in charge, because it's I who know everything about the forest!”

“I will have to come with you! Because if they come here when I'm alone here, they will kill me too! That's why I will follow you out in the forest!”

“Okay! You follow me there! But for now, let's just settle for that we brush our teeth! Because out in the forest, there's a long time without a toothbrush in anyplace!”

“Okay! I'll brush my teeth real well!”

“Good!” she said, and with that they settled for the decision to leave the next day. When it arrived, they walked out into the, as it happened to be, then foggy forest. They got lost and they never came back, not even for a horse to go riding on!

But their bodies were found near a swamp by the lake they had probably planned to fish in!

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The Evil Choice of Woman or Man

Adult (or at least semi-adult) story; follow the link if you want to read it anyway: The Evil Choice of Woman or Man

A Horrible Refuge

Adult (or at least semi-adult) story; follow the link if you want to read it anyway: A Horrible Refuge

Hearsay and Gypsies

“Yes it is that!” Deborah said, “It is a gypsy trick to try to pretend there is someone to distrust in anyone who dares not to show what they're about when there's a competence in that someone to seem satisfied with them not knowing!”

Sophie looked at her and answered: “I thought gypsy tricks were about trying fool you into saying to yourself that there's no hidden danger. I mean - if there's anything to the gypsies - it's that they keep their thefts hidden that way!”

“I mean that they pretend that in order to have it there either are no dangers to disguise, or else they have the right to accuse that person! In such circumstances they often manage either to steal or to put blame on such a person. Often they even do both things at once!”

“It is not a gypsy cunning in the first place to be able to seem real about circumstances that are about the dangers of not knowing! It is not they who would be able to pretend as though there were not any reasons to believe oneself to have nothing to do with whomever they could perhaps otherwise distrust in such a way!”

“I find it in you not to admit that she who took your money wasn't all about seeming innocent. Instead she was about trying to feel innocent by your comparison!”

Sophie looked thoughtful. “I wasn't sure about her! It's not quite certain to me, even, if that lady was a gypsy! She seemed to act the way one could expect from one, I think. But since she was not quite dark-skinned and not dressed as a gypsy woman, she still seems possible as something else. But, true, that aside, I could be into a predicament of that they are sly that way, and that it's they who trick people into seeming guilty somehow.”

Now Deborah looked thoughtful. “I presume it's the gypsies who aren't very fond of being the way one could expect them to be! But still there seems to me to be, in their culture or something, that kind of a strategy!”

“Of pretending another person is guilty by having him or her seem to hide whatever he or she didn't think about emphasizing? Yeah! Perhaps it's really something they did for survival way back when they started wondering around!”

“Yes! Exactly that! It's about that they evilly pretend we should watch out for ourselves and thereby catch us of guard, sometimes. When we are, they skillfully steal something form ya!”

“Debbie, it's not a certainty that they would pertain to that still in this day and age, except to the extent they still steal from us. I mean they aren't necessarily the ones using that trick nowadays - even if it is, perhaps they who invented it!”

“I agree! But they have stolen from us, or at least it's probably they, that is - and once I'm sure it was a gypsy lady who did pick-pocket me, because she seemed to be the one to pretend I was pretending as if nothing about the ability I might have to pick a boyfriend among her people1 She was evilly vindictive about it, probably! I can't but know that it was she who stole my wallet just to show me that they were in charge of each other, and not I, some stranger, who was. ...”

“You mean she really despised you that much for wanting a boyfriend among her people!?”

“I guess so. I'm not sure about the way she thought about me, nor my fellow on the side! I presume she happened to feel I was insolent, and I can feel that some others I know would also have avenged it!”

“Then perhaps you would be the one to blame for it!”

“Even so I don't feel they have the right to retaliate that easily! I mean I was just checking them out, those two gypsy men, who seemed rather handsome, the two of them! Also, I was trying to flatter them! Even so she retaliated as if there was something wrong with that I even looked at her people!”

“Okay, Deb! I agree that perhaps there's something to what you've just told me! But I still feel that you have to retaliate a little less against those people! I mean that you're being superficial if they are to be defined as crooked all the time just because of that once!”

“It's not safe at all to presume it was only that one time! I feel, thereby - of course, isn't it?! - that there's not at all retaliation in just saying to myself that they aren't always trustworthy!”

Sophie looked thoughtful again. “Okay. I'll help you retaliate that, but on one condition! It isn't me that they should be into seeing as the one who is after their skins in this! It's you who should obviously be the one to stick her neck out, if anyone, that is!”

Debbie sighed. “Of course, Sophie! Yeas, of course I'll be the one to take most of their hatred for this! I already feel their sympathy couldn't be there, so yes, I'm ready to take that!”

After two weeks, the two women had, with some help from both of their families, spread the word in their neighbourhood that gypsies were evil people. This had seemed like nonsense to some, but as old news to others. But they had fended for their words by spreading that they also were pretending others were guilty and that they thereby got away with being it themselves. This the gypsies were now beginning to retaliate against them for.

Firstly, it said in a newspaper that the two women, and both of their families, seemingly, it said, were prejudice blackmailers, who stopped at nothing for seeming insulted by people who were already outcasts. Secondly it said that they were trying to warn people about something that actually didn't exist, namely that gypsies were, supposedly, more keen than others on pretending those who don't know their hiding something should be still viewed as wanting to hide it. The article sort of disproved the notion of that they did so by referring to a situation where gypsies had been harassed by several people without being able to defend themselves. it said that they could have done so by pretending one of them was hiding that he was cunning at ruling them all, and that they were quite obviously not keen enough to do so.

The two women and their families defended themselves in by having it that they, the gypsies wouldn't even recognize such a possibility had they not been more keen on doing that than most people. They also stated that those who had attacked them probably simply had guarded themselves against such stuff, well enough for not even the gypsies to be able to pull that trick against them. It was not a certainty, they had it, that the gypsies wouldn't intimidate them so much that they weren't able to be aware of their own defences. This they wrote in an a letter to the editor of a rivaling newspaper, where they also wrote that the gypsies had “obviously been guilty of very much pretension about their issue! This is also what they usually do!” they stated, and continued: “Thereby such people cannot really be trusted about anything!” they concluded.

“But this is not our opinion!” the editors of that newspaper wrote after the column.

“I from here on will not ever try to seem to be responsible about this kinds of assertions!” Debbie said after reading it. “From here on, we shall not ever again pretend as if something about those damned gypsies! Instead, I will from here on fake that they are too innocent to believe! That way, perhaps, the public will claim hearsay against them and thereby make it self-evident that they pertain to being evil in the sense that they don't pertain to actual society!”

Sophie looked at her and answered: “How come you then feel that they are that guilty? I mean that they seem innocent in that you call it hearsay, those rumors you want to use against them!”

“I feel that it's hearsay that should be enough said about them! Thereby, I will feel superior by just pointing at them as the ones with whom hearsay is enough!”

“I can't presume you even know what you're dealing with! When I hear you say hearsay is the only way to define those people, then it seems to me that they haven't got any facade at all, since they are harassed by you so easily!”

“I can't believe my ears! But I will from now on consider you not to be my friend and thereby not one to be trusted much! I presume you will from now on also not view me as that friend you could be talking to at points!”

“I agree!” she answered, and with that they ended their friendship.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Notion of Having a Real Good Family

Enthusiastically, cunningly and without remorse, she threw her fiancé's gift to her in the water. She felt he had betrayed her, and that she couldn't forgive him without there being an enthusiasm about having another man seem to be much more suitable for her. Upon humiliating with that, she could probably feel that the old relationship was not totally regrettable.

“I wonder,” she asked herself, “why I suppose I am the woman to be had at the same time as hating that man for feeling that about himself! But somehow,” she continued pondering, it wasn't true that he could possibly have been anything but a fake with her! This was so since she didn't seem to fit in, in situations where he seemed at home and at ease with faking that his assets where of much better quality than hers had been!

As she kept thinking about it, she said to herself that “I have no lust for the type of fellow who will cheat on me, even though I feel very much like cheating myself!” Even so, somehow, she threw herself enthusiastically into the kind of contexts where it wasn't allowed to be a cheater, just because she wanted to seem to be much better than him at not cheating, and thus win the confidence from the next guy to cheat with!

“I feel that I myself have an imbecile in me, for being the moron who enthusiastically pretends to be a none-cheater, while all my friends are cheaters, and keep on humiliating me as though I were the moron who should be treated as though there were no competences in me to see to my own good as were it an asset for others as well as the closest among my friends and other acquaintances!”

Thereby, she stood now, at the embankment's deep-water stretch, having thrown her engagement ring into the water. “I will now, from here on, never again feel tha the would be the guy to marry! I will never again feel that he would be my husband had he tried for eternity to become it! I will thereby erase his memory for all but the sore attitude I'll have about him forever, from now on!”

As she stood there, she sensed someone walking up beside her. She turned around and saw her brother. She looked him in the eyes and said: “You shouldn't have come here! No matter why you followed me here, you must tell me why you think what I'm doing is any of your business!”

“I followed you here because I wanted to make certain that you felt like saying something aobut what the engagement seemed to lead up to!”

“I felt that it led up to nothing but the type of nonsense about marriage that there is to a guy with no predicaments of feeling that we should be a couple forever after!”

“Then how come you stand still and seem to be pondering on what went wrong between you?!”

“I'm not pondering on what went wrong! I'm pondering on why I've become this half-ass bitch who doesn't care to be responded to by anyone but those who are against me in the sense that they don't care for morals and standards that I had when I grew up!”

“Then I don't care to find you to be anything but a nuisance for the friend of mine you were engaged to!”

“Then stop telling me that I should be the one to listen to you! Because I don't have anything here but the man I will regret that I ever came close, even, to marrying!”

“But why do you pretend he is the guilty one! He is nothing but the same sort that you are! You and he both cheat on each other! Both of you hate each other for it! And thereby you and he shall be forever bound by taht your engagement was of mutual contentment about the other partner suffering from that!”

She turned towards him. “What do you mean by that I shall be seen as nearly, even, the same as that man! It's he, and it isn't I, who ruined the marriage plans by cheating so that I could feel so bad about him!”

“He felt just about the same about you, sis, and thereby I proclaim the two of you to be just about as alike as all that! Moreover I shall soon enough be into serious business with him as a partner! I will not let you feel that I have a bad partner for all of that! It's you who are the mediocre spouse who tells herself not to be into seeming, even, to be loyal, and now that I have him as a partner, I will harass you about it, until you seem loyal to him - and thereby me as well!”

“I will not permit that you and he enter that partnership! I will not allow the wtwo of you to pretend I haven't fatally had it in him to cheat so bad that he doesn't seem fit for even being a business partner!”

“Then what about you and that business partner you had in Mark, who was my partner in bed for about two weeks?! I mean he was also a cheater who didn't seem to realize it wasn't too good to have fairly many others, while pretending to be with only me!”

“I don't agree with that that is at all alike! It isn't me who was into a le3sbian relationship in the first place! It is into gay and lesbian to be into a multitude of partners and you know that! Besides, I'm not bedding my new one until we have an engagement ring each, and so that's final about those dirty hook-ups of yours!”

“My liaisons and so forth are not to be seen as that dirty! We feel connected to one another in ways that cultivates essentials of togetherness! We don't just run around and feel for each other that tehre is some dirty story to be had here and now!”

“Then why do you feel that my ex-fiancé is anything but a dirty bastard?! And then why do you seem to be into relationships with them as though they were buddies and not the kinds of partners one should really take seriously?!”

“It's because I and my partners usually feel that it's outside a relationship that it should be, that stuff about trying to be faithful and to simple-mindedly pretend that everyone is evil who tries to stop whatever phoney obligations and stuff one is into when one deals with the so-called marriage or, like you, that very phoney status of being into that marriage should be!”

“Then how come you don't chose few partners for the sake of committing yourselves to each other?! There must be enough partners out there for you to commit yourselves to, even without there also being commitments on the side!”

“No! Whatever partner I chose must be committed to me, well enough for me to feel that I can be certain about her or him without that meaning that we should be into that relations on the side are too bad to have!”

“Then why do you feel that I have not thrown my engagement ring over the dock for the sake of pretending as if something about the way the see it when we are into a relationship of so-called status of being faithful and stuff?! How come you keep on nagging me as though there wasn't any commitment to be real about things, so that neither would be unfaithful and neither would be disloyal - in any other sense, either!”

“I say to you that there's no commitment on his side that isn't into the weird notions of pretension that he was forced to be into for the sake of keeping you satisfied. But that's just because of your faking attitudes that he had to have that pretension!”

“Then I will from now one never again speak to you as my brother! It is not a family that it should be to speak to one's sister as though she didn't have any commitment on his side!”

“I will from here on, then, see you as my idiot sister who doesn't pertain to morals, nor standards about living that are real about relationships being loosely held and thereby smart at willingness to admit one's problems with each other!”

“I feel as though you have embarrassed this family that I grew up with so much that we don't have anything left to say to each other! From here on you shall not be my brother and I shall not again speak to you as though you were!”

With that she left him where he stood, and went home to their parents and began to cry to their mother about him. She asked her to forgive him just the same, but she couldn't. Thereby she asked him to move our, as soon as he came back. But he didn't. Instead, she moved to another town and told everyone there that her brother was a man to ruin every family relationship that he got to have anything to do with.

“Forever after I shall be with me and my own family of friends! I have no family that are of that biological context that my mother has it is so trustworthy!” she though for herself, two years later, and committed suicide.

Friday, June 26, 2015

How I Feel about Murdering an Ex

Adult (or at least semi-adult) story; follow the link if you want to read it anyway: How I Feel about Murdering an Ex

The Best Woman There Is

Adult (or at least semi-adult) story; follow the link if you want to read it anyway: The Best Woman There Is