“But why?!” Harold asked him, with
an air of amusement.
Oscar regarded this as an insult. “It's
not you who should be asking that!” he said, seeming almost solemn
about it. “But since you asked, I will be regarding you as the
pernicious dickhead who doesn't car to know that I'm not about him in
a moral sense! Not at all, that is!”
“Why not?!”
“Because you don't care about the
assumption there is about that man, and which no other men could have
about them! Not to mention not very many women, even!”
“Oh, that's it!” Oscar responded.
“I gather you then consider him a girl or some dumb sort!”
“Yeah, I do that! But I also consider
him an idiot who cannot help himself to amusements, nor to even the
power that for example Patrick - who is by the way also a geek,
although he cold be adequate for immoral behavior now and then!”
“I see! But then how come you don't
feel like responding to even his friend Conrad?! Cause he is, isn't
he, the least geeky of those people!”
“Yeah, he is. But that is in a sense
that he is that! It is because he is due to moral just the same that
he isn't adequate either!”
“Okay, then, Harold! I feel that
there's no point to them, then, in the first place! But how come you
feel that the women will come to us just as soon as we ridicule those
two who are geekier than most?!”
“That's because they don't really
pertain to it! They only moralize because they want to be worshipped
by those few guys who are into it! I don't know about Jesus and why
he is moral and still adequate for both them and others to worship!
But I do know they aren't well enough established to take themselves
a man if they are too much into either him or the morals for example
August has!”
“Yeah! Now I can see why you regard
him as the scum of the earth, even without thinking about his morals
as anything but an incapacity to be real about things that really
“Okay! That's why we two are now
going to catch all the girls we can, and that without at all thinking
about morals, except for that we have it on the surface, just in
order to keep them from moralizing so that their adequacy for being
worship is affected!”
“Wow! I say! How come you're telling
me all this, thought?! I mean if you're not into morality, then you
wouldn't be even telling some other guy about those tricks! So how
come you're telling me about it?!”
“It's because you're my friend and
there is an adequacy to be into morals if they're about friends only!
Thereby I will gain the upper hand on Jesus and thereby you will also
be my friend for the time it takes for me to finish learning how to
catch women that way, the way my father has been teaching me it
should be done!”
“Okay! I can go for actually fetching
those girls! I can go for having them for a meal, if that suits our
plans for seeming moral in the sense that they can keep an aura of
being superficial and thus not be into Jesus' penalty or something!”
“Good! Thereby we will fetch them and
actually catch some of them although we're not good looking!”
“Wow! There isn't a catch, though,
you think? I mean in that they aren't reliable to be into worship so
much more than into relating to actual moral as what they really
“I suppose there aren't any! There's
no catch in that they are evil in that they're supposing they are
moral even when they scorn August or someone like him! They aren't
even moral when they're into seducing them! I suppose they're into
moral when they're supposedly smart at assuming they are of Jesus or
something! But I am not of Jesus and there they could have themselves
a subterfuge for a fun-in-bed night or something, without them
interfering, those who are actually moral!”
“I can't suppose they won't be into
pretending you are that dickhead if you don't suppose you're into
morals for some reason! I can't think of anything that says she will
be for you if you don't suppose you are of Jesus or something! For
some reason I can't suppose that!”
“Then you are a moron! I have tried
to do it the other way! But they just shrug at it and say that they
aren't into him, or else they shrug it of and tell me he isn't into
sex between me and her! I thereby have it there's no competence in
the Jesus moral to have it we aught to have sex all the time!”
“Okay thereby we shall see to it we
don't have anything more to do with him! I will want to pretend I am
someone who don't give them a chance to be of virtue, and thereby
catch their innocence as the smart actual feeling of immoral that it
actually is!”
“I can assume my mother will thereby
tell you how much they counteract each other, those men who are into
morals as if they were of Jesus, but hen aren't! I can assume they
don't have any morals and still seem innocent enough not to have to
pretend as if anything about my filthy habits and my evil nature!”
“My mother will have it they are into
morals for the sake of nature to be viewed as the natural thing to be
competent of making it feel smart at being good for them. I wonder if
your mother or mine has the correct point of view! I wonder also if
they are competent, either one of them, to be into anything but haste
about these men, who are incompetent to be into anything but none-sex
and none-violence, not to mention none of that woman business of
having their fortune seem like it should humiliate their enemies!”
“No, I don't know either, Oscar! But
I feel they can come in handy now that we're gonna fetch ourselves
all the girls we can get! And they will come in handy, because I have
seen to it that no one will ever refer to them as inadequate mothers
for staying moral about how to treat their sons to become the best
kinds of guys for the appreciation of society and so! I will also see
to it, if you're with me, that they don't seem incompetent to pretend
they're moral in a sense they can accept, for the occasions when they
do pretend and can possibly be discovered about it!”
“I can thereby say, Harold, that we
can already go out and try to fetch some girl! Because I have already
seen to it that they seem to do that! I have already told everyone
that exactly their standards are supported by their supposedly fake
With that they went out and caught a
girl, whom they shared in bed and who began to spread rumors about
them as fun in bed for it!
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